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James McGee
Jul 30, 2021
Oh, for flock's sake..!
“We will not accept sanctimonious preaching from those who feel they have the right to lecture us. Anyone who would attempt to do so will...

James McGee
Jul 10, 2021
And NOW - for my rant of the week....
The good news: it's the British Open Golf Championship next week. The bad news: it's on the Sky Sports channel. As with previous years -...

James McGee
Jun 12, 2020
Right, that's it. They'll have to go....
There's nothing else for it. I shall be driving up to Lancashire under cover of darkness tonight, whereupon I shall attempt to dismantle...

James McGee
Apr 6, 2020
Yeah, I know he's an easy target, but this time...
The Orange Loon's at it again. Yeah, I know I seem to refer to him a lot but come on, the man is comedy gold. Once again he was...

James McGee
Apr 16, 2019
What's the difference between Windows 10 and a steaming pile of dog poo..?
Jeez, let me think...

James McGee
Apr 9, 2019
I sometimes wonder why I bother...
Here comes today's rant... The Independent Home page, with Adblock disabled. I think there's a newspaper in there somewhere, but I can't...

James McGee
Jun 11, 2018
The unspeakable in pursuit of...
Bear with me because this one goes on a bit… Have to admit that I'm late to the starting blocks on this one as the release date was back...
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