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James McGee
Dec 22, 2022
House Committee votes to release Trump’s tax returns to the public..
Now, I know what you're hoping...

James McGee
Jan 2, 2022
As opposed to one they did get right....
Meet 'Captain' Tobias Weller, the inspirational, tough as boots 11 year old who is the youngest person ever to receive the British Empire...

James McGee
Jan 1, 2022
How to totally mis-read the mood of the nation...probably.
Tony Blair appointed Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. Update Jan 3rd 2022: nearly 500,000 people have signed a...

James McGee
Dec 30, 2021
Yes, but what about...?
China bans its national soccer players from getting tattoos... Clearly it's one rule for....

James McGee
Oct 26, 2021
Oh, boy, is this gonna p*ss off the Grauniad...!
'It’s his total contempt for farming that makes this such a grim harvest.' Lucy Mangan - Guardian TV Review 11th June 2021 So wrote Lucy...

James McGee
Oct 10, 2021
A cracking day yesterday (and it's not often you can say that at the moment, right?). Headed off to Bath for the Steve Van Zandt signing...

James McGee
Sep 26, 2021
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is...well, this bloke:
Meet Mullah Nooruddin Turabi, the up-beat, relentlessly cheerful new Afghan Minister of Prisons. Part-time ventriloquist and stand-up...

James McGee
Sep 24, 2021
'Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool' - Mark Twain (allegedly)
Allow me to introduce Kenneth Copeland. Not heard of him? Don't worry he probably hasn't heard of you either, unless he's tried to...

James McGee
Sep 19, 2021
Another legend taken from us. I don't have too many heroes, if I'm being honest, but Jimmy Greaves was definitely one of them. Back in my...

James McGee
Sep 10, 2021
Slim Jong Un..?
See what happens when you cut down on the chocolate digestives..?

James McGee
Sep 7, 2021
Meet Boris...and Boris...and er, Boris..?
Now, let's face it, there are a fair few of us - make that probably millions - who figure that Russian elections (I use that term...

James McGee
Aug 25, 2021
Has this been another awful week, or what?

James McGee
Aug 5, 2021
A date for the diary....
Got a call from my sis last week. She told me not to make any plans for October 9th, as I would be heading to Topping & Co's bookshop in...

James McGee
Jul 5, 2021
Good News! No, it's not about the Dacia Sandero....
He's baaaack.! With probably the biggest the world. Well, it sure ain't gonna please the Guardian's TV reviewer, Lucy...

James McGee
Jun 22, 2021
And the other one bites the dust....
Well, that sure didn't last long... Honestly, this has been like watching grown men play musical chairs. No sooner was Edwin Poots forced...

James McGee
Jun 18, 2021
And there he was, gone...
Who was that masked man..? Answer: Edwin Poots, Leader of the DUP - the Diplodoc, sorry, the Democratic Unionist Party - (temp), who...

James McGee
Jun 17, 2021
Oh, God (irony intended), there are two of them...
Just when you thought it couldn't get any more surreal, meet Paul Givan, just appointed First Minister for Northern Ireland by the new...

James McGee
May 17, 2021
'Let's get N I moving again.' Back to the Dark Ages, presumably...
And why do I write that, I hear you cry..? Meet Edwin Poots, the newly-elected leader of Northern Ireland's Democratic Unionist Party...

James McGee
Mar 6, 2021
History repeating itself....
Sister Ann Nu Thawng Yangon, Myanmar, February 28th 2021 Tank Man Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China, June 5th 1989

James McGee
Feb 23, 2021
'I'm the president, but he's the boss..'
Here's a goody. Bruce has joined up with his pal, former President Barack Obama, for a brand new podcast: Renegades: Born In The USA,...
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